IJJS 'Social context of Medicine in Japan' オンライン公開(武藤)
日本社会学会の英文誌であるInternational Journal of Japanese Sociology 第19号の特集“Social context of Medicine in Japan”の編集と執筆を担当しました。
IJJS Volume 19, Issue 1
Special issue: Social context of Medicine in Japan
Introduction (pages 2–3)
Kaori Muto (武藤香織)
Unintended Consequences of “Soft” Regulations: The Social Control of Human Biomedical Research in Japan (pages 4–17)
Shimon Tashiro (田代志門)
Reproductive Technologies and Parent–Child Relationships: Japan's Past and Present Examined through the Lens of Donor Insemination (pages 18–34)
Chiaki Shirai (白井千晶)
Organ Transplantation as a Family Issue: Living Liver Donors in Japan (pages 35–48)
Kaori Muto (武藤香織)
“Good Manner of Dying” as a Normative Concept: “Autocide,”“Granny Dumping” and Discussions on Euthanasia/Death with Dignity in Japan (pages 49–63)
Izumi Otani (大谷いづみ)